Arch Linux put a security advisory on March 14 for multiple vulnerabilities found in jasper. The vulnerabilities have been patched. You can update your Arch machine by running;
pacman -Syu “jasper>=2.0.12-1”
For more;
Arch Linux: ASA-201703-9
Ubuntu announces end of life for Precise Pangolin which will be on April 28, 2017. But if you wanted to keep getting security and essential package updates for your Pangolin machines that just can’t be upgraded you can join the Ubuntu Advantage program.
For more;
Ubuntu:12.04 End of Life and Ubuntu Advantage
Month: March 2017
QEMU Kernel Debugging, Python script for multiple hashes, Top 20 Mobile Malware
Some good stuff on using QEMU for Linux kernel development. for Kernel Development
Python script for calculating multiple hashes.
Kaspersky Labs released a list of the top malicious mobile programs. Are you using one?
Kaspersky:Top 20 Mobile Malware
Wikileaks:Anti-Virus Fix Following Vault7, Apache Security Bulletin
AP Reports on Anti-virus fix following Vault7 leak.
APNews:What the CIA thinks of your anti-virus
Apache bulletin on a fix for a remote code execution vulnerability.
Apache Software Foundation:Security Bulletin